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5 Facts That Help You Choose Between Day School and Boarding School

Remember the first day of school for your children? We all remember how difficult it is to enter this new stage in life, both for parents and children. Parents may quickly enrol their kids in the local school. Have you ever considered that you are restricting your child’s world by doing this? It’s similar to establishing boundaries in a safe haven. Your kid will be perfectly fine in their cocoon. They may even refuse to learn outside of the classroom. This is when Boarding Schools come into play.

Boarding school students do not have the same opportunity to see their families on a daily basis, as do day school children. It’s only once in a while. Because of this, most parents decide not to send their children to boarding school. As one of the finest boarding schools in India, we understand how difficult it is to choose between Boarding School and Day School for your child.

This is why we’ve created a list of advantages for boarding school students vs. day school students. Let’s have a look at the boarding school system in further depth!

Children Learn Discipline & Punctuality

The main advantage of boarding school over day school is the ability to have more structured schedules. Students learn to be on time and are disciplined at boarding schools. All activities students participate in during the day has their own timetable at these institutions. From waking up early for meditation, exercise, lectures, and the end of the daily routine to nap time, boarding school and hostel life provide for everything. These tasks cultivate responsibility and activity in students.

Children Become Confident & Independent

Most children in India grow up to be under-confident, dependent beings. Boarding schools encourage smart kids to develop by putting them in situations that force them to perform routine and difficult activities early on. The children may become overwhelmed, but overcoming the hurdles gives them a sense of fortitude and a surge of victory emotions. These character traits take them to new heights in the future.

Children Enjoy Extra-curricular & Sports Activities

Admitting it, sending your kid to school for five hours a day can’t compare to the exposure boarding schools provide. These institutions encourage kids to get involved in various extracurricular activities, such as Painting, Drama, Debate, Quizzes, and Sports such as Cricket, Basketball, Athletics, Baseball, and so on. In boarding school environments, children are inspired to watch their classmates participate in these sports. They also get involved and collaborate with their peers. In boarding schools, you may witness a level of unrivalled teamwork that is uncommon at other institutions. They form an inseparable bond by standing side by side and cheering for one another. Indeed, it’s a great life skill to have while they’re growing up!

Children Focus Better On Academics

When children are at home, they may be distracted by a variety of things. When your child studies in a boarding school, this problem is solved. They get used to following a schedule and giving enough time for their studies. They become more focused and attentive when there is no direct contact with the outside world. This is why boarding school students excel in academics and rank high in educational success charts.

Children Attain Peace & Mindfulness

Meditation is a standard component of most Boarding Schools. At Heritage girls school, we also try to improve our students’ minds by teaching them positive, optimistic ideas and ways to approach life. Our meditation techniques help you be more optimistic, self-accepting, happy and have a healthier sense of self-identity and perspective. It also has a beneficial influence on health by lowering stress, anxiety, and eventually depression. These acquired peaceful and meditative techniques aid kids as they mature and confront life’s challenges. Meditation has a tremendous influence on them.

We hope the above reasons will assist you in making the best decision for your child. Day schools are excellent, but providing a child with a holistic education is more feasible and realizable when children live a disciplined and happy life. Heritage Girls School is pleased to be recognized as the first choice of parents among several boarding schools in India.

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